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Support Community building programs

The LACDC operates a number of programs including ScienceFest. These programs are primarily funded by grants and funds from local businesses, philanthropic organizations and local and state governments. All our sources of contributions have helped us build our programs and fund more events.

Seen by thousands

Los Alamos MainStreet hosts several events in downtown Los Alamos with the intention of having 'more people downtown more of the time'. 

All events organized by Los Alamos MainStreet are FREE to the public and attract families, educators, businesses and press from all over the state. 

Thousands of visitors enjoy festivals, events, concerts and programs hosted by the LACDC every year. Last year, ScienceFest attracted a crown of over 6 thousand people to downtown Los Alamos. 

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Join the family

Sponsorships are the life blood of our program. Become a sponsor and have the opportunity to have thousands of people recognize you and your commitment to restoring economic vitality to the heart of our community. Join the family of sponsors who are contributing to empowering our communities.

Why be a sponsor?

Los Alamos ScienceFest boasts of over 30+ individual events, more than 70 Exhibitors and vendors and over thousands of attendees and press from all over the state. If you would like to inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers and support the community, consider becoming a sponsor!

Interested? Reach out to our Executive Director, Jacquelyn Connolly at 505-661-4844 or

$1000 and above
$2000 and above
$3000 and above
$5000 and above
$10,000 and above
Name and Logo listed on website
Mentions in press, online and offline
Free booth space at relevant events
Listed on Event signage
Quarter page ad in event schedule
Half page ad in Event Brochure
Representative in judging related events
Unlimited signage around events

Bathtub Row Brewing Co-op, Bradbury Science Museum, Pajarito Environmental Education Center (PEEC), Los Alamos Dept. of Public Utilities, Los Alamos Chamber of Commerce, Los Alamos Community Partnerships Office, Los Alamos County Community Services, Los Alamos County Environmental Services/ Zero Waste Los Alamos, Los Alamos County Library, Los Alamos Historical Society, Manhattan Project National Historical Park, and others.

Executive Director

Jacquelyn Connolly:  Phone    Email

Event Manager

Alison Watkins:  Phone    Email

Contact Us

Are you interested in joining us as a sponsor? Interested in volunteering? Or just have questions? Contact us below!

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© 2025 Los Alamos Commerce & Development Corporation

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