How to participate?
Are you a local business, educational institution, artist or just a person with an idea? Does sharing your knowledge with thousands of people in an informative and interactive way sound appealing to you? Apply now to register as a volunteer, independent exhibitor, vendor or a sponsor!
Award-winning Los Alamos ScienceFest is an amalgamation of interactive activities, tours and exhibits that engage people of all ages in science. Festival producer Los Alamos MainStreet is partnering with community businesses and organizations like you to present events like the Discovery Day, dance night, star gazing and more! Volunteers and Independent Exhibitors, are the backbone of the festival, bringing family-fun to downtown Los Alamos, where thousands of attendees can visit tents with non-stop interactive science demonstrations, a kids activity area, music, food, beverages, and live musical performances.

Exhibitors and
Food Vendors
Are you a food vendor, local business or an educational organization? Or just a person with a STEAM background and a fun idea? Do you have an idea for an interactive booth that is STEAM (Science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics) -related? Does your booth idea relate to this year's theme - "Creativity in STEM"? Are you looking to attract an audience of over thousands of people, families and children? If yes, then sign up for a booth at Discovery Day!
Discovery Day 2025 will take place on June 21st from 9 am -2 pm. This year, all signups will receive a tent, a table and 2 chairs included. Booths will be set up around downtown Los Alamos, in and around Ashley Pond.
Registration Opens Soon!
Contact Jacquelyn@losalamos.org for further inquiries.
The Los Alamos ScienceFest is a series of events that enthuse, educate and activate downtown Los Alamos. The Los Alamos chapter of National MainStreet helps organize, plan and execute these events with the help of sponsorships from local businesses and the county.
When you partner with us, you not only directly affect the community but also ensure the success of future Science Fests. Sponsors also receive special privileges and benefits during ScienceFest and around the community. Thank you to all those who consider sponsoring!
To know more about the different sponsorship packages and tiers-

Volunteer: Make a Difference Today!
Volunteering for scienceFest is a great way to give back to your community and have a fun time doing it! We offer several oppurtunities to get involved, from Discovery Day, where you can help teach science to kids, to Play Crawl, where volunteers help set up and break down the event. Every little bit helps, and all volunteers will recieve a free t-shirt along with snacks and goodies.
Sign up today to help make scienceFest a success!